ACORD|LOMA 2014 in Orlando

ACORD|LOMA 2014 in Orlando

This is my 5th year working with ACORD|LOMA. The GS has 2, 16×9 outboard screens for Sponsor Loops and I-mag. My partner Rodney from PRG Atlanta provides the crew and equipment. The 45’x15′ is a backdrop for all speakers except Greg Maciag, President and CEO of ACORD. Mr. Maciag’s presentation has about 40 animating visuals with special effects. There are less than 10 words in his entire presentation. THIS IS HOW PRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE.  VISUALS THAT SUPPORT HIS STORY WITH FEW WORDS. I work with Mike and Mark from ACORD to create and support their event. I use 4 Quad Core PCs to run this event. In the next week or so I will post a video of Mr. Maciag’s presentation. This video will show you how a Powerful Presentation looks and how it supports his delivery.







Posted in OurEvents