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Monthly Archives: May 2014

Step-by-Step to Great Meetings

Most people don’t realize the extent of planning and preparation that goes into creating an event from nothing. In showing my “office for the week” presentation, I’ve always assumed anyone looking at my work would understand just what it takes

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eBook Cover

This is my 2nd eBook Cover. My clients are finding a strong cover design is more important than they every thought. There are plenty of eBooks, but first impressions help accomplish their goals of sales and downloads.

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The Event Process.

Most of you don’t know what goes into creating an event from nothing. I always show my “office for the week”.   I assumed anyone looking at my work would just understand just what it takes to put on an event

Posted in blog, Featured

45×15 Widescreen Graphics

I work with presenters to create visual presentations. There are 8 words in the 35 screens. The presenter tells his story and the visuals support what he is talking about. This video is an export of a 45×15 widescreen graphic presentation. 

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ACORD|LOMA 2014 in Orlando

This is my 5th year working with ACORD|LOMA. The GS has 2, 16×9 outboard screens for Sponsor Loops and I-mag. My partner Rodney from PRG Atlanta provides the crew and equipment. The 45’x15′ is a backdrop for all speakers except Greg

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